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 Remove NXcash

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Should NXcash be removed from NuckaluckaMS?
Yes, I can still get it from Mr. moneybags
Remove NXcash Vote_lcap17%Remove NXcash Vote_rcap
 17% [ 2 ]
No, I love the NXshop
Remove NXcash Vote_lcap58%Remove NXcash Vote_rcap
 58% [ 7 ]
Find an alternative way of removing VIP rocks.
Remove NXcash Vote_lcap17%Remove NXcash Vote_rcap
 17% [ 2 ]
I dont know
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 8% [ 1 ]
Total Votes : 12


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PostSubject: Remove NXcash   Remove NXcash Icon_minitimeTue Jul 08, 2008 8:57 am

Well we've been having a problem that people have been using VIP rocks to get to the boss warper even though they're under level 180. So I'm deciding whether or not to remove NXcash. But there will still be NXitems still available from Mr. Money bags. Mr. Money bags will still sell all the NXitems except all the ones that doesn't work in the NXshop such as pets and of course I'll have to remove VIP rocks.

I'm thinking about doing this mainly because of VIP rock abusers.

Please remember you can still get NXitems from NPCs. So there is really no point of having a NXshop
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PostSubject: Re: Remove NXcash   Remove NXcash Icon_minitimeTue Jul 08, 2008 9:24 am

There are some nxcash shop items that are not included in Mr. Moneybag's inventory

ie. effects, some equips, and not really sure what else

but i do agree with taking out the VIP rocks
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PostSubject: Re: Remove NXcash   Remove NXcash Icon_minitimeTue Jul 08, 2008 1:45 pm

firstly who is mr moneybag and where is he?

2ndly no , dont remove the vip rocks because its better for people to teleport to us as door cant be work

3rdly the nx cash is convenient,i have a slight picture of how the moneybag guy works

therefore do not remove
if so , block vip rocks from going the boss maps
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PostSubject: Re: Remove NXcash   Remove NXcash Icon_minitimeTue Jul 08, 2008 5:13 pm

If you're going to remove the rocks at least add a dungeon teleporter and a Spinel to free market. Too many towns don't have Spinel or anything like that and I use VIP rocks to teleport to people in free market so I can get back to Perion.
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PostSubject: Re: Remove NXcash   Remove NXcash Icon_minitimeTue Jul 08, 2008 9:41 pm

just take out the stuff you don't like from the cash shop, and add them to money bags Very Happy, like add gatcha and effects to him and stuff, and pl0x find a way to use pets in the game D:, i wanna pet so bed
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PostSubject: Re: Remove NXcash   Remove NXcash Icon_minitimeFri Jul 11, 2008 3:24 pm

MooIsKau wrote:
firstly who is mr moneybag and where is he?

2ndly no , dont remove the vip rocks because its better for people to teleport to us as door cant be work

3rdly the nx cash is convenient,i have a slight picture of how the moneybag guy works

therefore do not remove
if so , block vip rocks from going the boss maps

1. Moneybags is in Henesys, to the left of Bruce, which is to the left of the Mad Bunny.
2. VIP rocks will be abused then.
3. Moneybags is just like any other shop, but with NX.
4. It's impossible to block VIP rocks right now, but maybe in the future if private servers are still here, it'll be possible.

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PostSubject: Re: Remove NXcash   Remove NXcash Icon_minitimeFri Jul 11, 2008 7:56 pm

Don't remove the NxCash and VIP Rocks in MPOV .

Firstly , its just some bad eggs who are obviously spoiling this Private server and to thier benifits of using the VIP Rocks to gain entrance to the Boss Wraps and i don't think that taking the Rock outta use would be a good idea cause it will cause heaps of people to take a longer time to travel to a map where his party mate is or just having fun following random people ( Now we know how fun that can get : )

If they still try to bend the rules doing this, 2ways to solve it , either ban those people forever and maybe not allowing them to make another account ( to make a stern warning) or just lower the Level entrance .. to lets say.. level 160 for the boss wrap to work . cause after 180 you have only 20 levels of this fun ? why not have 40 levels of this fun .
The VIP Rock , to me , is very useful finding my friends and just giving them a scare once in a while, you can't take it away from us " legit " players just cause of some bad eggs here and there.

3rd. if ya gonna remove the whole Store, either have everything in a store . but selling them at around 10 ~ 15mil may be a hassle to someone not wanting to spend that much of an amount when he's saving up for a Zakum Helm(1) costing arount 1.5billion. so why not just leave the cash shop over there, its a great way to try on the cash items that we're after anyway. having special effect are a great way to stand out and thats something which Mr.MoneyBag don't sell .
So have a think about it. just cause of some people we're needed to make such drastic messures for this .
sigh .
Private Servers are where we go for fun and freedom . not some place where we kill a monstor and we gain 0.01% ( mSea/Global) we're sick of that, we wanna enjpy over here. having over 18 Rebirths lol .

o.O jeez that was a long post
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PostSubject: Re: Remove NXcash   Remove NXcash Icon_minitimeFri Jul 11, 2008 8:43 pm

hauts wrote:
Don't remove the NxCash and VIP Rocks in MPOV .

Firstly , its just some bad eggs who are obviously spoiling this Private server and to thier benifits of using the VIP Rocks to gain entrance to the Boss Wraps and i don't think that taking the Rock outta use would be a good idea cause it will cause heaps of people to take a longer time to travel to a map where his party mate is or just having fun following random people ( Now we know how fun that can get : )

If they still try to bend the rules doing this, 2ways to solve it , either ban those people forever and maybe not allowing them to make another account ( to make a stern warning) or just lower the Level entrance .. to lets say.. level 160 for the boss wrap to work . cause after 180 you have only 20 levels of this fun ? why not have 40 levels of this fun .
The VIP Rock , to me , is very useful finding my friends and just giving them a scare once in a while, you can't take it away from us " legit " players just cause of some bad eggs here and there.

3rd. if ya gonna remove the whole Store, either have everything in a store . but selling them at around 10 ~ 15mil may be a hassle to someone not wanting to spend that much of an amount when he's saving up for a Zakum Helm(1) costing arount 1.5billion. so why not just leave the cash shop over there, its a great way to try on the cash items that we're after anyway. having special effect are a great way to stand out and thats something which Mr.MoneyBag don't sell .
So have a think about it. just cause of some people we're needed to make such drastic messures for this .
sigh .
Private Servers are where we go for fun and freedom . not some place where we kill a monstor and we gain 0.01% ( mSea/Global) we're sick of that, we wanna enjpy over here. having over 18 Rebirths lol .

o.O jeez that was a long post

Okay, actually 2 bil isn't hard to get once you go to zak Very Happy

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PostSubject: Re: Remove NXcash   Remove NXcash Icon_minitimeSat Jul 12, 2008 5:08 am

Well yea you could say that,
but you gotta agree , Cash shop servers a good purpose doesn't it . letting people try on items and stuff..
well i think it does and it shouldn't be taken away from us just because of some spoilt brats who can't put that inside thier heads that you shouldn't wrap into the boss area when your not 180.
suggestions? put the level down to level 160 ?
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PostSubject: Re: Remove NXcash   Remove NXcash Icon_minitimeSat Jul 12, 2008 5:31 am

hauts wrote:
Well yea you could say that,
but you gotta agree , Cash shop servers a good purpose doesn't it . letting people try on items and stuff..
well i think it does and it shouldn't be taken away from us just because of some spoilt brats who can't put that inside thier heads that you shouldn't wrap into the boss area when your not 180.
suggestions? put the level down to level 160 ?

I'd suggest a bit higher, like, 170?

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PostSubject: Re: Remove NXcash   Remove NXcash Icon_minitimeSat Jul 12, 2008 7:11 am

yea that would be great . instead of level 180 , why not having it at 170 .
sounds good to me.
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PostSubject: Re: Remove NXcash   Remove NXcash Icon_minitimeSat Jul 12, 2008 4:23 pm

i rather said that zakum is harder to earn money
without godly dmg , how on earth are you going to down zakum
lets just say the arms , even if your capable , you'll get the dam exp fixed
logging in and out ? lets say if you have the dmg and able to prevent the exp fix
you are most likely 180 and above because that is when you dont really get the exp fix bug. before that you'll just keep getting the bug.

plus 2bil for the zakum helmet is alright with me. it is acceptable. guys , once you 180 you have unlimited time in the rog area isnt that good ? you can slowly earn your mesos.

dont remove the rog , this make the server outstanding from others. i tried many server while waiting for this server to wipe , i feel that without the rog its very hard for me to lvl 200 and rebirth and rebirth and rebirth. you just get bored of it. from what i feel , i want to play private because i want to keep rebirthing till max possible and feel great about the damage i could do. and this server adding ap , picking items and stability is good compared to other server which suck.

other servers do not have rog , but they have 2x exp card . or rather 0.5 more exp card
kinda useless right ? + the exp , money and drop rate is low . what is the difference from playing the original maplestory instead of private server.

cash shop issue , i recommend put the vip rock and cash shop items there. lower the lvl to the warp and people will not abuse it. 160 is when it gets harder to lvl up. so just lower it to 160 ~ 170. thats just good enough.
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PostSubject: Re: Remove NXcash   Remove NXcash Icon_minitime

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