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 Problems and Fixes.

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Posts : 34
Join date : 2008-07-05

Problems and Fixes. Empty
PostSubject: Problems and Fixes.   Problems and Fixes. Icon_minitimeFri Jul 11, 2008 1:36 am

Q. Omgzorz Im stuck in this map and i can't get out.

Q. I haz the negative exp. What do i do?
A. This should no longer be a problem, but if you do get negative exp disconnect then rejoin and it should be fixed.

Q. It keeps saying my account is already logged in or the server is being inspected.
A. Use this if that doesn't work just wait a few minutes.

Q. This is an id that has been blocked or deleted from connection?
A. You have been banned. BB

Q. Unknown error 38. Or error 38.
A. Eh i dont know whats up with this just restart the game and it will work fine.

Q. I lvled to lvl 201 what do i do? :O
A. Nothing really. You need to get a GM to help you. You can prevent lvling to 201 by making sure their is enough inventory space for your items to go into.

Q. NPC's won't talk to me...
A. This generally happens after you talk to cody. Just change channel.

Q. I lost one of my first reborn jobs and i cant find it in my Skill List.
A. You cant get it back. Never put skills over skills you want to keep or you won't be able to get them back.

If their are any problems i have missed (Alot...) tell them and i will add.
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Posts : 43
Join date : 2008-07-10
Location : NuckaluckaMS, durh

Problems and Fixes. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Problems and Fixes.   Problems and Fixes. Icon_minitimeFri Jul 11, 2008 3:14 pm

Sick wrote:
Q. Omgzorz Im stuck in this map and i can't get out.

Q. I haz the negative exp. What do i do?
A. This should no longer be a problem, but if you do get negative exp disconnect then rejoin and it should be fixed.

Q. It keeps saying my account is already logged in or the server is being inspected.
A. Use this if that doesn't work just wait a few minutes.

Q. This is an id that has been blocked or deleted from connection?
A. You have been banned. BB

Q. Unknown error 38. Or error 38.
A. Eh i dont know whats up with this just restart the game and it will work fine.

Q. I lvled to lvl 201 what do i do? :O
A. Nothing really. You need to get a GM to help you. You can prevent lvling to 201 by making sure their is enough inventory space for your items to go into.

Q. NPC's won't talk to me...
A. This generally happens after you talk to cody. Just change channel.

Q. I lost one of my first reborn jobs and i cant find it in my Skill List.
A. You cant get it back. Never put skills over skills you want to keep or you won't be able to get them back.

If their are any problems i have missed (Alot...) tell them and i will add.

Error : 38 is just when it crashes xD Happens a lot when you tele to Henesys(well at least with me) or with some skills.


Last edited by Dice on Fri Jul 11, 2008 3:14 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Forgot ~Dice >.>)
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