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 Your guide to NuckaLucka MS.

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Your guide to NuckaLucka MS. Empty
PostSubject: Your guide to NuckaLucka MS.   Your guide to NuckaLucka MS. Icon_minitimeSat Jul 05, 2008 2:41 am

Installing Ms and Connecting to NuckaLucka MS.
Getting out of Nub Land.
Choosing Your Job
So you want to be a warrior?
So you want to be a thief?
So you want to be an archer?
Changing Classes
Usefull Links

Installing MS and Connecting to NuckaLucka MS
1. Download this Do not run patcher.exe or MapleStory.exe. It will update your maple story and you will not be able to play on this server.
2. Download this then copy and paste it in your Maple Story Folder.
3. Register for your game account here.
4. Double click NuckaLuckaMS.exe wich is in your maple story account and enjoy MS.

Getting out of Nub Land.
Ok you will start off In a map next to a girl. Talk to the girl and you will be sent to a new map and your ability points will be reset. Now ability points are extremely crucial and you have to make sure you put them on the right stats.
To be a warrior you will need 25 str
To be a thief you will need 25 dex
To be an archer you will need 25 dex
To be a mage you will need 25 int.
You decide what to put the restof your stats on.

Ok so your in the new map. Their are lots of Your guide to NuckaLucka MS. Snailoh1 running around. Kill them until you reach lvl 10. Maybe higher if you just love killing them. Now how to get into the real maple, so you can change you job at lvl 10. Go to the red dot on each of these maps. (Maps from Hidden Street)
Your guide to NuckaLucka MS. M1qm1
Your guide to NuckaLucka MS. M2jf6
Your guide to NuckaLucka MS. M3ye7
Your guide to NuckaLucka MS. M4gg1
Yay, you have made it to South Perry.
Now go to the red star on this map and talk to shanks.
Your guide to NuckaLucka MS. M5iy6
You are finally in the world of Maple. gratz... bounce

Choosing Your Job
Ok now you have the decision to choose your Job.
To be a warrior you will need 25 str
To be a thief you will need 25 dex
To be an archer you will need 25 dex
To be a mage you will need 25 int.

Ok your in Lith Harbour at the moment find the global warper. She is around the area I have circled.
Your guide to NuckaLucka MS. M6qd8
Talk to her and,
If you want to be a warrior warp to Perion
If you want to be a thief warp to Kerning City
If you want to be a archer warp to Henesys
If you want to be a mage warp to Ellinia

So you want to be a warrior?
If not go to the next part.
Ok so your in perion. Climb up to the top to the spot that is circled.
Your guide to NuckaLucka MS. M7mf7
Talk to Black Bull asking for more info on become a warrior and Wallah your a warrior. Check out your new skills.

So you want to be a thief?
If not go to the next part.
Ok so your in kerning city. Go to the circled spot.
Your guide to NuckaLucka MS. M8mb2
Its an entrance to a bar. The dark lord is at the very bottom of it.
Talk to Dark Lord asking for more info on become a thief and Wallah your a thief. Check out your new skills.

So you want to be an archer?
Ok so your in Henesys. Go to the circled spot.
Your guide to NuckaLucka MS. M9by3
Your guide to NuckaLucka MS. M10vf9
Talk to Athena Peirce asking for more info on become an archer and Wallah your an archer. Check out your new skills.

So you want to be a mage?
Ok so your in Ellinia. Go to the circled spot.
Your guide to NuckaLucka MS. M11hw2
Talk to Grendel The Really Old asking for more info on become a mage and Wallah your an mage. Check out your new skills.

Changing Classes
Ok after you change your first class changin classes is easy.
You change class at lvl 30, 70 and 120. I might update this with info on each class one day O_O.
Just talk to Your guide to NuckaLucka MS. C1kd9 (Cody) to change your job and Your guide to NuckaLucka MS. D1sh8 (Duey) to max all your skills.

Before you reborn make sure you have enough inventory space for all your eqquipped items.
So your finally lvl 200 huh?.
Go to kerning city and talk to Your guide to NuckaLucka MS. R1ar9
Yay your reborn

Usefull Links
Have negative exp? Or exp not working. Click
Stuck in a map? Click
Says you logged in and your not? Click
Want to buy some NX Cash? Click

Hiddent Street For Pics.

Thanks for reading my guide :3.

Last edited by Sick on Sat Jul 05, 2008 7:39 am; edited 2 times in total
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Your guide to NuckaLucka MS. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Your guide to NuckaLucka MS.   Your guide to NuckaLucka MS. Icon_minitimeSat Jul 05, 2008 2:54 am

Sticked and nice job on the guide.
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PostSubject: Re: Your guide to NuckaLucka MS.   Your guide to NuckaLucka MS. Icon_minitimeSat Jul 05, 2008 3:01 am

Thanks. Laughing Ill be doing some updates time to time. Thanks for the sticky Very Happy
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PostSubject: Re: Your guide to NuckaLucka MS.   Your guide to NuckaLucka MS. Icon_minitimeSat Jul 05, 2008 7:12 am

Couple of things:

1. No credits to HiddenStreet, that's not very nice.
2. You can talk to Phil next to the boat in the Harbor to take you to a starting city (just a bit closer to where you come in)

3. The most important- Never use Duey. That's what I've learned. You can only advance to 3rd job if all of your skill points have been spent. Duey maxes all skills (except for a couple) so you're kinda boned.

PS: Just a small pet peeve of mine; there's a lot of horrible grammar errors (involving the oh so sadly common misconception of "your" and "you're".

Other than that; this is a good guide for newbies. Too bad most newbies won't register here or won't even know what a private server is. D:
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PostSubject: Re: Your guide to NuckaLucka MS.   Your guide to NuckaLucka MS. Icon_minitimeSat Jul 05, 2008 7:35 am

1. Credits Added
2. Say what? Ive only been playing this game for a week.
3. yes you can I've done it about 5 times.
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PostSubject: Re: Your guide to NuckaLucka MS.   Your guide to NuckaLucka MS. Icon_minitimeSat Jul 05, 2008 4:23 pm

When you talk to shanks he sends you to the harbor, after you're there just hop off the air ship and walk over past the burly pirate and talk to the man standing next to the stand thing, I think his name is Phil.

He will send you to Perion, Henesys, Ellinia, or Kerning (of your choice.) Just a bit closer than Spinel.

Maybe I'm just unlucky on Duey? My bowman is bugged now because I leveled to almost level 30 as a newbie and therefore didn't have a lot of points before 30, so I talked to him and I was like "Awesome" but then I advanced to find that all my other skills had been maxed so I went from 30-70 with extra skill points, with like 145 at 70.

Actually now that I think about it I took my bowman to 80 instead of 70, but yeah, still bugged. A big bummer Sad
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PostSubject: Re: Your guide to NuckaLucka MS.   Your guide to NuckaLucka MS. Icon_minitimeSun Jul 06, 2008 12:49 am

Hmm i see. xD. Thats wierd with your bowman thats never happned with me. And my english fails hardcore xD.
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PostSubject: Re: Your guide to NuckaLucka MS.   Your guide to NuckaLucka MS. Icon_minitimeSun Jul 06, 2008 1:21 am

Well you're not supposed to be able to transfer to 3rd job unless all your points are spent.

After level 70 and you're 3rd job it's okay to use him. I recommend it if you're rolling hero too since you get advanced combo which lets you hold 10 combo orbs so you can do like double the damage with coma or panic.
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PostSubject: Re: Your guide to NuckaLucka MS.   Your guide to NuckaLucka MS. Icon_minitimeSun Jul 06, 2008 2:14 am

you talk to cody for the 3rd job advancement. and your skills are maxed out when you do.

it's a private server so everything is different
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PostSubject: Re: Your guide to NuckaLucka MS.   Your guide to NuckaLucka MS. Icon_minitimeSun Jul 06, 2008 2:33 am

So I don't even have to go to El Nath? My first time on dagonMS I asked someone if they had the dark or or whatever to get the proof of wisdom and they told me you just keep talking to the instructor to advance.

So I did that with my bowman but the woman in El Nath told me I wasn't ready (need more skill points spent).

Still, kinda takes the fun away (and whatever is left of challenge) doing it like that Razz

Good idea for warrior classes that need to specialize however.
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PostSubject: Re: Your guide to NuckaLucka MS.   Your guide to NuckaLucka MS. Icon_minitimeFri Jul 11, 2008 6:12 am

niceeee thx it help, could you make a npc guild; not all the npcs just the ones that were changed by the gms Very Happy
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PostSubject: Re: Your guide to NuckaLucka MS.   Your guide to NuckaLucka MS. Icon_minitimeFri Jul 11, 2008 10:43 am

Smile wrote:
niceeee thx it help, could you make a npc guild; not all the npcs just the ones that were changed by the gms Very Happy
Im guessing you meen guide. Sure i can i will after server wipe but.
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Location : NuckaluckaMS, durh

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PostSubject: Re: Your guide to NuckaLucka MS.   Your guide to NuckaLucka MS. Icon_minitimeFri Jul 11, 2008 3:09 pm

Raelos wrote:
Couple of things:

1. No credits to HiddenStreet, that's not very nice.
2. You can talk to Phil next to the boat in the Harbor to take you to a starting city (just a bit closer to where you come in)

3. The most important- Never use Duey. That's what I've learned. You can only advance to 3rd job if all of your skill points have been spent. Duey maxes all skills (except for a couple) so you're kinda boned.

PS: Just a small pet peeve of mine; there's a lot of horrible grammar errors (involving the oh so sadly common misconception of "your" and "you're".

Other than that; this is a good guide for newbies. Too bad most newbies won't register here or won't even know what a private server is. D:

Actually, just use cody to advance and he won't check for SP and also, in GMS you can advance with points from 70+ so yeah.

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PostSubject: Re: Your guide to NuckaLucka MS.   Your guide to NuckaLucka MS. Icon_minitime

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