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 Nexon vs. Private servers ROUND 2

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Join date : 2008-07-05

Nexon vs. Private servers ROUND 2 Empty
PostSubject: Nexon vs. Private servers ROUND 2   Nexon vs. Private servers ROUND 2 Icon_minitimeSun Jul 13, 2008 2:46 am

If you want to see the whole news(With replies), go to
Quote of the month:
xfaithx on maplenews

"Well, Nexon is wrong about one thing.
We will NEVER come crawling back to GMS. They may think they’re getting back the thousands of players that left to play private servers…but they are WRONG. There are MILLIONS of private servers out there and they can just TRY shutting them all down…and fail horribly."
News found on:

Title: OdinMS sued, Cakestory down, Who's next?

MapleStory forums and websites have been buzzing with the news of the OdinMS lawsuit over the past few weeks. Many have decided to shut down, while others have put things on hold. Very few continue to run their servers, which is quite a shock to many. LocalMS, a highly popular MapleStory private server with over 100,000 accounts to date, is one of those servers. One reason why the NEXON Corporation is not taking action towards LocalMS is because they took all their files from OdinMS, which was the developer of almost all the private server software and updates. You could say that NEXON is trying to cut off the head of the snake, hoping that without OdinMS providing updates for other private servers, people will just give up and come crawling back to MapleGlobal and other MapleStory versions. But like many stories and issues, even if you get rid of the head…there can always be someone else who wants to build on what previous people have done.

By suing OdinMS, NEXON isn’t really solving anything. Although they’re trying to make a point, there will always be people who make private servers for games. It can’t be avoided and other games such as World of Warcraft have accepted that. Maybe NEXON should too. It’s hard to say which private server will be next. From what I can speculate, if any other private server comes out as the head honcho amongst the array of private servers unhappy with MapleStory, they may be the next to either shut down, or pay the hefty fee of over $500,000. We’ll just have to wait and see, but this certainly does bring new meaning to the phrase “If you mess with the bull, you get the horns.”

Title: LocalMS vs. Nexon

LocalMS got sued! You wont believe, but even secret Servers has been sued?
It was sad on how the people says goodbye to their Administrator Sad
Even me, (even i dont play Local) i got sad on how people says goodbye.
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Posts : 18
Join date : 2008-07-09
Age : 30

Nexon vs. Private servers ROUND 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nexon vs. Private servers ROUND 2   Nexon vs. Private servers ROUND 2 Icon_minitimeSun Jul 13, 2008 10:26 pm

arberms got sued too
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